Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Almost 34 weeks...

I haven't been posting frequently mostly because we are just chillin' at home, waiting to have a baby. I know only 34 weeks, but this pregnancy has been so hard on my body I have my sciatic nerve pinched (this happened VERY early on in my pregnancy and I had it most of Andi's pregnancy so it wasn't surprising) I have pelvic displacement, which they would like to put me into physical therapy but between Rob's work and school schedule and having two kids at home and us only having 1 vehicle, it just won't happen. So the doctor suggested a wheel chair or walker... I only laugh at this because yeah, right with two toddlers! Then I have the usual morning sickness, (which is all day) hot flashes and being super uncomfortable due to a HUGE stomach, and a few other things. I haven't slept much lately and it's weird to know that I will be sleeping better in just a few short weeks when I have the baby. Yes, even if I wake up every two hours to feed him I will be sleeping more/better. Well now that I feel like the biggest complainer ever, onto other things that are better/wonderful!

Yesterday was wonderful, Rob had the day off and we got to spend the day all together as a family which was so wonderful! On top of that we got the house nice and deep cleaned together so that these next few weeks it will be easier for me to keep up and hopefully have very little to do. We also got the Christmas tree up and decorated! Rocky keeps looking at it and then telling me "Merry Christmas!" I am so excited that we have just over a month to wait till Santa shows up at our house. I have ALL of the kids shopping done! They have all their presents bought and stockings are ready to be stuffed! (Even the newest member of our family is good to go) Hopefully he shows up in time! I haven't shopped for Rob this year yet, (well I've gone I've looked I just have no idea what to do!) We decided that to save a little extra money this year we are only doing stockings for each other and are only allowed to spend $35 dollars. I have no idea what to get him that fits in a stocking keeps in budget and he'll love... I will have to keep working on that one.

I have also started packing my hospital bag... Well sort of mostly I've made the list and put a pair of nursing pajama's in my bag... that's it. But we're getting close and excited and have hopefully enough clothes for this little boy when he comes to keep him nice and warm! I have started making all his bibs, but haven't sewn any of them together they are all just pre-washed, ironed, cut and pinned. So that won't take too long to finish! Nuel's baby quilt is coming along, it's mostly done, except the part where I need to sew around all the little rectangles, (it takes forever and I can't sit for very long, or stand for very long... it's a vicious cycle.) So hopefully this week I will finish all the sewing!

I also made it my goal to have something different and fun going on each week till I finish this pregnancy and have Thanksgiving this week... and then no clue. I have another doctor's appointment on the 30th and hopefully we'll see if I have started doing anything, (considering I've had lots of contractions I am hoping to hear that SOMETHING is going on) But other than that I have nothing! No clue of what to do! I guess Andi and I are going to get our hair done on the 6th but that doesn't take very long and really won't help me as I am trying to focus on a fun goal/activity each week. And I am really wanting to go and get my toes and nails done (like I have for the other two) right before I hit full term. (hopefully I can get that in as it's finals week for Rob.) We're also looking into putting the kids into a dance thing for a week which would definitely help time go faster (it gives me something to do everyday that week for a couple hours and helps the kids get energy out in a way that Mommy can't do right now!) So we'll see if that works out, we have to see a few things first!

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