Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sickness and a Busy Weekend!

It's been a few days since I posted. We've had either blogger down or Andi making herself sick (She decided she didn't want to go to bed and cried so hard she threw up) Cleaning that up made me stay up later than what I wanted so I skipped them Rob got sick. Well we're all healthy now and getting into a fun week!

Yesterday we had a family home evening on being polite and using good words. We talked about how it makes us all happy and Heavenly Father happy when we speak kindly to each other. For our young children to try to illustrate this I got a cup of M&M's (one of their favorites!) and we took turns saying please and thank you for a treat, (because treats make us happy and just like when we talk nicely.) It was short and sweet. I love watching my children grow up and developing into these sweet people and seeing them love each other, and attempt to take care of each other. Though they fight, we are all learning; to be patient, to be compassionate, and to be understanding. I hope that someday they look back on our FHE's with a smile and remember that we love them and that we had fun learning together.

We're looking forward to going to Linder Farm's later this week, which I am ecstatic to be taking our kids to! We've never let them go and pick their pumpkin before and they have a corn maze and all kinds of fun things for the kids. It's nice to have something to look forward to today.

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